Lisa Campbell
2 min readJul 5, 2019


Photo by whoislimos on Unsplash

It breaks my heart to watch an entrepreneurial dream die a slow, painful death from something as simple as money management. Roughly 82% of businesses under $25M are surviving cheque to cheque, waiting for that next big sale or praying for a payment to arrive.

Think about it – when you went into business you were probably focused on getting your product/service/idea out there to the world – NOT giving a second thought to how quickly your growing business could become a cash-eating monster. No one thinks about what it’s going to be like when you’re laying awake at night wondering how you’re going to make payroll, rent or worse – how to explain to your spouse that yet again, you can’t take a paycheque and may need to borrow from the home equity line of credit “just one more time”.

I’ve coached grown business men in tears because on the outside they look successful but behind closed doors, their spouses have threatened to leave them if they don’t give up their dream and “get a real job”. They feel like a failure; they’ve racked up debt beyond anyone’s imagination and they’re not able to provide for or contribute to their family’s financial well-being.

I’ve been there and it sucks. I used to panic when the taxes were due because I didn’t have $25K, $30K, $40K just laying around! But when the tax man comes calling you have to pay. So what do we do? We keep borrowing. Further and further in the hole.

I learned a better way and have been so thankful for it I’ve made it my entire mission to empower business owners around their finances by showing them the way out of this trap in into sustainable prosperity.

It’s NOT about budgets – we all know they don’t work. It’s behavioural and straight forward and can start making you profitable right now.

I love what I do because I’m actually changes lives for the better. Restoring dreams and fixing what’s gone wrong. Every day I think to myself “how can I make a difference to just one more person today?” I’m forever thankful for this opportunity to serve. I’d love to help you, just reach out:



Lisa Campbell

Profit First strategy expert; passionate about helping business owners understand how money flows through their business and how to keep more of it themselves.